And here is a person in her strange land wandering all alone.
For this person knows neither what she wants nor what had become of her. This
person passes this same route of loneliness every time and she often asks
herself “when will I have a good time” She says this every time she feels like
nothing, for all that she wants is a change.
She had a conversation with her heart one day and asked it
“when will my good day come?” Her heart responded “You worry too much, you have
gone too far for just a little step, if you indeed want to have a good time,
you will have to work for it; for good times never come only if you go on the
quest to find it, go in search for it and it will reveal itself to you without you
seeking so long”
She then awakened one day and decided to set up for this
journey; bottled with her a small cheap wine. As long as she has decided to
seek for a good day she found it right in the bottle she was holding inscribed
“Make every day count, give your heart a sense of accomplishment” She then
remembered the conversation with her heart, smiled and got off in quest to do
something meaningful which would bring a satisfaction to her inner mind.
There was never a day she didn’t do something important. It
indeed let go of her idleness.
written by Ajayi Olubiyi

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