Often times it’s good to listen to our heart, it’s noble to
listen to the home industrial unit of our body. If only we could have listened
to what our heart was saying to us, we wouldn’t be struggling with the present.
I come with deep sense of verdict that life gives us different chances of
Life gives us that prospect to love whoever we want to, and
sometimes life just agrees with our inner feelings allowing us to work the love
out ourselves. I strongly believe that we human has caused misfit in love maybe
because we were too shy to confess that feeling or we thought confronting love
in the eyes isn’t really important at all.
For we should never wrong the perfect person because special
people always find a way to get into our lives and daze it no matter how bitter
we may be. Success is a test of love, that’s why everyone will always want the
highest score. Being in love is worth someone’s time provided you know it’s
going to yield good result. We all have tried loving people who didn’t deserve it;
it’s just part of the price we pay for living in this world.
The truth is that we all can turn the table of love over to
our side; we all can re-adjust our present love life. Everyone wants to be
dreamed of, we all want to sleep at night and wake up to see our lover’s text
message right inside our phone.
We just wish to have that special person call us early in the
morning saying “Hello, we can actually make it up again, or what do you think”
and we pause for a second to feel we are not dreaming. And that’s if real love
ever exists anymore, but if it does “Life won’t be too short”.

written by Ajayi Olubiyi