I know an Eagle,
Elegant with her wings.
Her left-wing beautiful,
Her right-wing colorful.

With her left-wing,
In the storm she found comfort.
With her right-wing,
She dived gloriously with no effort.
Her wings were her pride,
Both were her delight.

But there came a wild storm,
Her wings could not stand.
She tried all she could,
To keep her awesome wings,
But with all her trials,
Her right-wing was plucked!

I am that Eagle,
Whose right-wing was plucked.
My father, my left-wing,
My mother, my right-wing,
My right-wing was plucked,
I became ONE WINGED.

Yet I keep flying,
‘cos my left-wing remain
I keep on soaring still.
Pray my left-wing be strong.
I hope that for long,
My left-wing will stay!

More From the Writer: WHO TO BLAME

Written by Odetunde Victor


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