On the path to greatness
With rodeos of weakness
A tryst with scavengers
Joggling the dough of losers
Madness elevating sanity in the west
Strangers die from everything including bites
Passion belated through fights
All alone to express plights
Scorn to human rights
On the heart that writes
Boom! Boom! Boom! The blaring bass
Swinging moods of every tall grass
A dance with the lass
Though some refuses to wiggle the ass
Yet bang legs on the brass
Faultless fortitude to future’s clash
Where all gather around the burning ash
Mending pains of an aftermath’s bash
A whirlwind that takes out the trash
Leaving memories of a contagious rash
Pellets given to the feint hearted
Old young ill treated
Truth or dare created
Firm hopes of ice melted
Romeo’s of Julie’s jilted
Virtue destroyed by greed
Pride infested into creed
Rigmaroling through a burning reed
A dame in a distressed deed
What a dreadful established series of yield

written by Tokede Daniel 


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