Only the patient can enjoy the most of life. Life, they say
is not linear, its full of misfits, but still only those who are keen on
achieving something waits and therefore receive the reward of the waiting. No
one man, you can find out anywhere who dreamt big and saw himself there
We should know that with bigger dreams, come longer waiting
hours. For nothing worthwhile in life ever happened in a rush. Information is
all around us, books are there to read, just to guide us on the quest of
establishing something great. The only virtue which we all can imbibe into our
system to dream big is patience, for it comes with greater and greater
Do what you love, love what you do, do not complain about
your current stance. Just apply patience. For so many have been promised by God
for great things, but only a few live to see that dream. Like daily manner, we
should seek patience; we should be too in depth with these than to forsake it.
Remember this and let this sink within us over and over again
that “Nothing good and worthwhile comes in a rush”. Apply patience in anything
you find yourself doing.
written by Ajayi Olubiyi