Be careful my son, be careful!

Be careful with that small raw and drawl soup, so you can finish the remaining morsels with it. The remaining mound of food is as tall as mountain Kilimanjaro therefore, be careful.

That which you’ve been craving for would one day find its way to your doorstep like a stranger seeking a harbor. He would make your dreams a reality and beautify it, like Lake Tanganyika.

I never knew that the patient dog would one day eat the fattest bone until I saw it happening in my presence.

I never knew that the boy that ate from a locally made plate would one day eat from a plate made from gold.

Yesterday was history, today is a mystery and tomorrow is the future, no one knows what tomorrow would deliver. The world is not as you see it; it’s not straight neither is it crooked, it only revolves around and stops ephemerally at the point it chooses to.

If David knew he would be a king, he wouldn’t have worn tattered clothes and tended to his father’s sheep as a shepherd.

Axioms of life are; resilience, endurance, and perseverance. Embrace them strongly as a good husband and wife does.

Be careful, be careful even the smoldering enmity amidst sun and moon, I’ve never seen where the sun incandescence at night, neither have I seen the moon glowing in the day.

Be hopeful son, that stone at the bottom of a lake shall be pulled up by an anomalous fish.

More from the Writer: LAMENT’S OF A BARREN WOMAN

Written by Azieze Augustine


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