They said to Him, you are
unimportant in all diversity
Nothing but a mirage round life’s
You can hardly make up something
good from your life amicably
Just go back home, stay still and
do nothing.
You have forgotten the sorrows of your
parent’s anxiety
You have put away their love from
your heart’s variety
So tell me, what can you amount
to, absolute futility
Just go back home, stay still and
do nothing.
You have mingled with friends who
has corrupted you in all manners
You have forgotten your lord your
God, breaking all protocols
Humility is human, where is yours?
I see none in your behaviors
Just go back home, stay still and
do nothing
He in Him knew what he was doing;
he did heed the advice needful to him
He took the wise ones to heart;
here he is today doing great things even though far from home
For it all changed from “just go
back home, stay still and do nothing”
To “I always believe you were
going to become great; be who you ever want to be”.

written by Ajayi Olubiyi