The afternoon passed away without glitches of its existence. It’s a week into a weird relationship I didn’t ask for and I’m yet to come out of the shock. My ability to compromise came to play without thoughts of regret. Certain decisions have the power to make human skew, especially when it comes to loving someone bigger than your status. It’s a scenario I don’t want to remember, but now my head is under hack of loving Miss Faith.

It was supposed to be a holiday on a hot sunny Thursday before the general manager to the company called for an emergency meeting. The thought of more work and little rest ran through my head, little did I know it was one of those meetings I’d always prayed for.

“I’m sorry I had to pull you out of rest today.” he started with a pitiful face worn on his face. “The company’s official website is under hack. The company has decided not to trust any of her staff, so while work is going on to regain the website, provision has been made for everyone to stay under one roof. Which means everyone is under watch, if you are found with any suspicious activity, then you sure know what you stand to gain. Everyone has been given the grace of today and tomorrow to move into the apartment provisioned for you. The address has been mailed to you. Good day.”

As murmurs filled the hall, the sound of books against tables was heard. The ambiance of the hall was filled with displeasures from everyone. I was left to decide whether to laugh or shout. Finally, I managed to kick a bottle of water sitting haplessly outside the hall.

Just when I thought the drama couldn’t get any better, the high ranked staffs of the company started trooping into the compound prepared for the entire staff. But this story isn’t about every staff of NUEL International; it’s about Miss Faith and I.

“Oh my God; I’m so sorry. I have been clumsy all day.” Miss Faith bent to pack the files which fell off my hand immediately she bumped into me along the hallway to the room.

“Its fine ma’am, I’m sorry too, I should have stayed clear,” I replied in my most decent tone. Talk of taking chances when they come. I had to utilize this one chance I’ve got with her.

“I never knew high ranked officials were suspected too” I tried having a conversation as we exchange our items.

“Please, the post is just a cliché, anyone and everyone is suspected” she shrugged. “I don’t think I have seen your face around”

“Well I definitely have, and I’ve fantasized talking to you.”

“Really; it’s not a big deal you know.” I’m sure she must have been taken aback with my statement as she placed her hands akimbo. “Okay let’s make things easy here, let me have your contact and you have mine, and maybe we can hook up later. Right now I need to get some assignments done.” No sooner than her words escaped her we got to share our number. If screaming out my lungs would have expressed my joy, I would be due for treatment.

Its days into exchanging numbers and we seem to be building up strange chemistry. Definitely, this is more than I had planned for. The fantasy of talking to Miss Faith came real and beyond expectation.

“There is something special about you that I can’t place. You seem different from other guys.” She stroked my back palm lovingly. “I think I’m beginning to like you.” Her words sent goosebumps all around my body.

“Hmm. I think I like you more.” I tried acting a playboy.

“And you think that will flatter me?” She tapped my nose slightly.

My fantasy is not only becoming real, but it also seems like an avenue for me to shoot my lovely shot. “I should go to church and make a testimony of this case later.” I thought to myself. The evening seems to have wrapped up fast. As soon as she stood up to take her leave, she planted a kiss to my lips.

“Can you walk me to my room?” she whispered to my ear.

“What else won’t I do for you tonight,” I thought to myself.

More From The Writer: DADDY’S GIRL

Written by Soyemi Obafemi


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