Awesome in the sky amidst its adversaries
Beauty far more important than mercenaries
Passion so cruel to reality.
My beloved MACBETH
A standing figure that takes all breath
Your presences strike like the morning sun
More overwhelming than a king son.
Your shadow; a blessing to men
A death incurred from jealousy
Wrath is the mother of fallacy
The well they all dwell
Simplicity at its best, death in its grasp.
Fear accompanies your essence
Your touch brings darkness
MACBETH, a dearie to merry
Excluded from the basket of fruits like the cherry.
Alas! She comes with death
Magnificent enough to drench
Sparkling bright with attractive evil
My lady of utmost importance.
Gather round, you inhabitants of the land
Whose end has come to an end
From a perfect queen of love, passion, and seduction
With a horrible detrimental background.
Ooo! Beautiful MACBETH
Your value has been soiled
Soiled by men of no importance.
More From The Writer: BEAUTY FOR THE BEAST
Written by Tokede Daniel