Often times, people have the belief that those who work hard in life are the ones who have made it more. But they all forgot to remind themselves that sometimes smartness outshines hard work and this is because the world only believes in the final result and nothing more. Most people come from the tradition of “Go to school, work hard, come out of the institution, get a job”, and because of these, people have really lost the essence of why they are in the higher institution.

An Author quotes “Admission without a vision will lead to frustration in the higher institution”. Coming into the institutional environment is the best opportunity life has offered most people, but a few actually stood their ground and compromised not their future to the saying of work hard, work hard, work hard to get good grades. The higher institution is a place to really develop your abilities and influence others through your God-given talent. After the institution life, do not forget to know that the outside world doesn’t really care about who you are anymore, so why not take chances and explore yourself while you can.

Once admitted, you have limited time to spend in the higher institution. The school doesn’t
teach you how to become a successful person. Schools are made to groom employees and not become employers. Remember, much study wears you out than anything you may think of. The truth is that each and every one is designed with special potentials and the problem people make is trying to be like the other person.

You all can’t get all the good grades together; you all possess a different level of intelligence. Some are gifted readers, you can’t copy that. Some are gifted communicators, you can’t also copy that. Do not be among the crowd that wonders how good things happen to people, good things happen to everyone. If billions of birds fly up in the sky, will they disturb or touch one another? It’s NO. Therefore, there is room for each and everyone up at the top, a room so big that you can’t disturb the next person close to you.

Everyone is designed for something great. Do not leave the institutional environment without releasing your potentials. Your Potential is to be benefited by all and not for one. You can never stop learning from reading; it’s a continuous process even after graduation. Work smart enough, don’t work too hard and stress yourself off.

A Modified 2016/07/15 Article

Written by Ajayi Olubiyi

A Prolific & Multi-talented Writer who has written hundreds of articles published worldwide. He is a Google certified Online-Marketing Professional, Growth hacker, Editor, Content developer, and Engineer. Read more