Have you ever wondered how scholars or religious leaders, despite dedicating their lives to studying scripture, can arrive at vastly different conclusions?
This divergence in interpretation leaves us questioning whether we can truly discern the truth or if we’re resigned to accept their conjectures. Relying on their assumed truths is a perilous path—one that leads to uncertainty and confusion. If we seek truth amidst the myriad conflicting doctrines, beliefs, and religions, we must study in the way we can be approved.
Today, there is a great need within the Church to delve deeper into scripture, yet there is an equally pressing need to know how to study it. Just as there exist fundamental principles guiding various activities, so too should there be guiding principles for studying and interpreting the scripture.
This book was crafted to reveal discovered and tested path to understanding the scripture. The keys will make it easier for those who seek the truth in scripture and those who study but struggle to comprehend.