Looking up
the sky, everything seems bright
One through
one, everything has always been alright
Looking up
the cloud and I saw those bright shining stars
And even
looking above that, everything really deemed fit right
I come to
say I want more, I really need more
in life is vanity, all is worth none
I just have
to take this gradually from henceforth
I learn to
discipline myself among all
Finally, we actually
got to the Top
I think this
life is worth more pardon and love
I have
actually come to terms with myself
We have got
not to ignore anything else
Our life’s
has been through thoughts and all of that
But yet we
still always get more and more
Even with
great crises, we still end up at the top
Now, times
without number, it’s our normal tradition
All we have
to say is that we thank God, our Author and Finisher
We still
want to experience Him more and more forever and ever
To time
indefinite, even through all life’s Arena.
written by Ajayi Olubiyi