We live in a fake world
Where in reality real people suddenly appear unreal
Because of unwillingness on living a real life.

Seeing nature real is
The only way we can tackle
Of this unruliness in us.

To be realistic, human being has the motive of being real
But unruly acts and behaviors easily eat up
The real motives in us from the onset.

What can we do now
About being real for real?
What can be done to eradicate these
Unruly behaviors of unreal men?

But, frankly speaking
And to be real for the
Very last realness in me,

I think life is much worth than just
Being real for just a second, minute, or hour.
It takes our inner mind to be
Controlled by the real Holy one.

We pray God help us in these unreal moments of our life
And turn it to a live transforming real world

Ever realizing how it feels
To be relentlessly ready for the very last coming which is for REAL.

A Modified 2016/07/14 Article

 About Ajayi Olubiyi

A Prolific & Multi-talented Writer who has written hundreds of articles published worldwide. He is a Google certified Online-Marketing Professional, Growth hacker, Editor, Content developer, and Engineer. Read more