It’s a great day, another glorious day. All through the past
until this moment, the Lord hath shown us mercy. Are we the only ones alive?
Are we the only ones whose wishes are always met? God never left us, not for a
second. What a magnificent God we serve. We asked Him our heart desires, he
gave all to us, he withheld nothing from us.
We asked for a good life and he continued adding long life as
a bonus to it. How could we imagine ourselves without God in our life, things
would have been very difficult. For His glory appears like the light from the
sun, one who always forgives our sin without remembering it anymore. A father
who never makes wrong decisions; A father who understands our feelings than
anyone else.
The God we serve is the ever reigning one. Age to age our God
shines; Age to age our God rocks. He created everything in life for us never to
see His people suffer. The God who never withholds his talent and gifts away
from is children. All the angels cry aloud, Holy is the Lord; from everlasting
to everlasting He reigns.
We have always wondered how we can please this God and
figured out our God deserves all our praise. He deserves our writing; he
deserves us giving to humanity. The provider of all; the Lord pleasures in our
success, the best way to continue enjoying this grace is to continuously
praising Him every time. Our God lives forever.
The same God our ancestors worshipped then still lives today
and will continue to live forever in the heart of men and over all creatures
even beyond this life ruling over this earth and ruling in heaven which is the
real life.
Indeed our God reigns forever and ever. Age to Age He reigns.

written by Ajayi Olubiyi