Earth serves as a temporary haven for human souls, each on a unique journey aligned with their Soul Agreement with the Maker. Initially, humans were created to thrive and fill the Earth with goodness. However, disruptions have led to the corruption of these souls.
The infiltration of unclean spirits, or demons, has made it easy for them to influence human affairs. These dark entities thrive on deception, luring people away from their divine purpose and the original path outlined in their Soul Agreements. Possession and control by these spirits have further deteriorated humanity’s connection to their Maker.
TEM TEM: The Sounds Of Her Spiritual Husband! is a captivating fictional tale that delves into the hidden world of these dark forces. It explores how they manipulate and deceive innocent souls, leading them astray from their intended righteousness.
This unique story serves as a timely exposé of the challenges faced by beloved souls in their quest for alignment with the Maker.