In the heart of Nigeria, a brilliant young woman’s life hangs by a thread of choices. Despite graduating at the top of her class, Janina finds herself trapped in a spiral of addiction that began with her mother’s influence. When an unplanned pregnancy with her best friend Deyemi changes everything, she must navigate motherhood, her career, and her demons while holding onto the fragments of love in her life.
But redemption comes in unexpected forms. As Janina struggles to protect her daughter Tarabi from following her path, a kind-hearted boss offers her a chance at redemption. Yet the shadows of her past threaten to destroy everything she holds dear, leading to one fateful night where she must choose between love and revenge.
“Loving Through Cracks” is a powerful story about the internal choices we make, the love that saves us, and the price of redemption. This debut novel offers an unflinching look at addiction, motherhood, and the complex web of relationships that both heal and hurt us.